A boy and his puppy (English Edition) - 9 ago. 2013 -
di Alfio Giuffrida – Traduzione di Maria Elena Arguello - Editore: Amazon -
Genere: Short Story – Collana: Verismo Interattivo - ASIN: B00EFZUDSU -

Disponibile solamente in Formato Ebook. - Si acquista on line sul sito  http://t.co/L1oZOWLK -
Gratis con Kindle Unlimited - Euro 1.05 in formato Kindle


The story that I am going to tell you …. could be a real story.
When I started to draft the book “Chicco e il cane”, this idea was meant to be the story’s core. Then I found another storyline, which I thought that was perfect for the tale and which is also the reason why “Chicco e il cane” has become a bestseller. Nevertheless, I think that the initial storyline deserves to be told, also because it was not included in the final draft.

"He was always alone because he had no friends to play with. He was taciturn, he had no brothers or friends, parents were always at work, and yet ... had a great need for affection. In society he felt "different", .....
